Sunday, 9 March 2014


Creepy for sure


relic of first recorded possessed nun.

The Bay of Cambay

was discovered by marine scientists in early 2002. The city is located 120 feet underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India. The city is five miles long and two miles wide, carbon dating estimates the site to be a whopping 9,500 years old, and, more amazingly, architectural and human remains are still intact. The discovery astounded scientists because it predates all other finds in the area by 5,000 years, suggesting a much longer history of the civilizati..

TRIVIAThe Ningen, a Japanese Cryptid

is a very large animal allegedly sighted by Japanese fishers. The name Ningen literally means “human”. The creature not only has a face, but arms and hands as well. Could this possibly be creepier? THE CORRECT ANSWER IS NO.

i see you lying next to me